Felice D'Arco, MD

Approved by Diagnose.me Medical Advisory Board on 09 Jul 2017

Felice D'Arco, MD

Consultant Pediatric Neuroradiologist, Radiology, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London (United Kingdom)

Neuroradiologist High expertise in diagnosis of neurological pathologies in children. Special interest in pediatric brain tumors, pediatric epilepsy and neurogenetic disorders. Experience in Belgium, Canada, Italy, and UK.

Neuroradiologist Head and Neck imaging
My experience
8 years
Can review
MRI, CT • Nuclear Imaging • Doctor report
This specialist accepts pediatric cases.
Consultation Report
Delivery time
3 workdays
Video Consultation
About me

I am a pediatric neuroradiologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London, the biggest pediatric hospital in UK and one of the biggest in the world. It is a center of excellence in diagnosis and treatment of complex pediatric diseases with a large neuroscience department. I am also an consultant neuroradiologist at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust in London.
I completed a fellowship in pediatric neuroradiology at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada in 2015 and I spent one year at the University Hospital of Leuven, Belgium in 2012, deepening my knowledge in advanced magnetic resonance (MR) techniques.
My main goal is to help the clinicians in management of complex neurological and neurosurgical cases providing high accuracy in the diagnosis of diseases of the brain, spine, head and neck and inner ears. My daily tasks include reporting complex CT and MRI pediatric scans of the brain and spine, including suspected non-accidental injuries, and participating to strategic multidisciplinary meetings in case of suspected child abuse.
My main research interests are: pediatric brain tumors, pediatric epilepsy, inner ear malformations, and pediatric head and neck pathologies.
I am member of European Society of Neuroradiology and editorial board member of "Neuroradiology", the official journal of the European Society of Neuroradiology and “Child Nervous System”, journal of the European Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery. I have co-authored 62 scientific peer-reviewed papers in international radiology journals all in the field of Neuroradiology and I have edited 4 book chapters.
Outside the reporting room I practice martial arts (Kendo: Japanese fencing), I run and read a lot.

Experience and training
  • June 2015 - Today
    Consultant Pediatric Neuroradiologist, Radiology, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London (United Kingdom)
  • June 2014 - June 2015
    Pediatric Neuroradiology Fellow, Neuroradiolgy, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto (Canada)
  • February 2014 - June 2014
    Radiology Trainee: Pediatric Radiology service, University “Federico II”, Naples (Italy)
  • June 2008 - June 2014
    Radiologist in Training, Radiology, University Hospital "Federico II", Naples (Italy)
  • November 2013 - January 2014
    Radiology Trainee: Head and Neck Radiology, Department of Radiology “Spedali Civili”, Brescia (Italy)
  • October 2012 - October 2013
    Radiology Trainee, Neuroradiology Department, University “Federico II”, Naples (Italy)
  • September 2011 - September 2012
    Visiting Radiology Trainee, Department of Neuroradiology, UZ Leuven, Leuven (Belgium)
  • September 2002 - October 2008
    Medical student (summa cum laude), University Federico II, Naples (Italy)
Licensures and memberships
Member of:
  • European Society of Neuroradiology
  • European Society of Pediatric Radiology
  • British Society of Head and Neck Imaging
  • European Society of Head and Neck Radiology
  • American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology
  • American Society of Head and Neck radiology
  • Italian Society of Neuroradiology (AINR)
Report languages

English, Deutsch, Italiano, plus 22 languages with medical translation