Georg Michael Hess, MD, PhD

Approved by Medical Advisory Board on 03 Dec 2015

Georg Michael Hess, MD, PhD

Consultant, Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon, The London Spine Clinic, London (United Kingdom)

Spinalni kirurg Međunarodno poznati stručnjak za minimalno-invazivne operacije kralježnice i intervencijsku terapiju protiv bolova, sa serijom predavanja u cijelom svijetu. Medicinski direktor na EuroPainClinics, Predsjednik europeskog ogranka Društva za intervencije na kralježnici, Glavni instruktor za operacije…

Spinalni kirurg Specijalist medicine boli
My experience
23 godine
Can review
MRI, CT • X-ray
What clients say about me

"Mr Hess has provided me with expert advice and he has helped me understand my spinal condition and which direction I should be heading. I much appreciated his expert knowledge as a world class surgeon and therefore to provide assurance to me of my health situation. Many thanks John"

(46 reviews)
Consultation Report
Vrijeme isporuke
2 radna dana
Video Consultation
About me

Certificiran sam ortopedski kirurg s usmjerenjem na kirurgiju kralježnice i liječenje boli. Medicinsko obrazovanje stekao sam na Sveučilištu u Düsseldorfu, St. Moritzu (Švicarska), Spinalnom centru Ortopedske klinike u Münchenu-Harlachingu (Njemačka) i na Sveučilišnoj bolnici u Quebec Cityju (Kanada).

Imam iskustva u izvođenju različitih injekcijskih postupaka na vratnoj, prsnoj i lumbalnoj kralježnici. Više od 15 godina moj je glavni interes endoskopskih postupaka, gdje imam bogato iskustvo s raznim tehnikama i pristupima. Održao sam više od 200 znanstvenih prezentacija i kao gostujući kirurg obavljao operacije diljem svijeta.

Od 2003. do 2021. godine služio sam kao glavni instruktor za Spine Intervention Society (SIS, ranije ISIS) u SAD-u i Europi te sam bio suorganizator europskih SIS radionica u Amsterdamu, Nizozemska. Od 2006. do 2015. godine bio sam predsjednik Njemačkog udruženja za intervencijsku kirurgiju kralježnice (GIW e.V.).

Client reviews
  • 02 Oct 2024, Anonymous patient

    Thank you Dr. Hess for the second medical opinion. It helped me to clarify my health situation and familiarize myself with other possible procedures in therapy.

  • 21 Jun 2024, Istvan

    Prompt and to the point report.

  • 02 Apr 2024, Juraj

    Good day,
    thank you for the consultation, which confirmed the current solution to my problem. This service is very well done for the users.

Experience and training
  • March 2019 - Today
    Consultant, Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon, The London Spine Clinic, London (United Kingdom)
  • August 2018 - Today
    Consultant, ATOS Klinik, Munich (Germany)
  • October 2017 - Today
    Consultant, Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon, KIMS Hospital, Maidstone (United Kingdom)
  • January 2016 - August 2018
    Consultant, Minimal-invasive Spine Surgery, WIM - Wirbelsaeuleninstitut Muenchen, Munich (Germany)
  • February 2015 - December 2015
    Consultant, Spine Surgery, Betaklinik International Private Hospital, Bonn (Germany)
  • July 2003 - January 2015
    Consultant, Private Practice and Private Hospital for Orthopedic Surgery, OCM – Orthopädische Chirurgie München, Munchen (Germany)
  • July 1998 - March 2003
    Head, Back Pain Center and Staff, Surgeon Spine Center, Orthopädische Klinik München-Harlaching, Munchen (Germany)
Licensures and memberships
Member of:
  • President (2006-2015) GIW e.V. (German Interventional Spine Society), Munich, Germany
  • Master Instructor (USA and Europe) International Spine Intervention Society (ISIS), San Raffael, CA, USA

Georg Michael Hess, MD, PhD has published 25+ publications:

Report languages

English, Deutsch, plus 22 languages with medical translation