"The key to diagnosis is a correct interpretation of the imaging study."
William G. Bradley Jr., MD, PhD, FACR
Chairman of Radiology Department at UCSD, USA
Medical Advisory Board member, Diagnose.me
1.Make the right choice
Getting a second opinion from a specialized doctor brings you peace of mind - it helps you to be sure that you have considered all the options and that you or your loved ones are making the right choice for your health.
Even experienced doctors can make mistakes. Studies show that getting a second medical opinion from a specialist can reduce the risk of misdiagnosis by up to 90%.
3.Avoid unnecessary treatment or surgery
In cases where a healthy patient is mistakenly diagnosed, he or she can undergo unnecessary, invasive, costly and even harmful treatment. What’s worse, potentially effective treatment can be delayed.
4.Eliminate the risk of human error
The specialist reading your MRI, CT or X-ray scans may be rushed off his or her feet, working in a busy, noisy department, they may have been working for hours on late night duty or they may simply lack experience with your specific medical problem.
5.Consult the specialist who is right for you
Through Diagnose.me you can reach top specialists at some of the best clinics in the world and ensure that your case is seen by an expert in your specific problem area. All Diagnose.me specialists have been carefully hand-picked and approved by our Medical Advisory Board. View the list of our specialists ready to help you here.
6.Even doctors request a second opinion
In some of the world's most effective medical systems, a doctor making a significant decision on your diagnosis and treatment is required to consult a colleague. Such consultations often lead to changes in diagnosis and treatment.
7.Vypracování posudku trvá jen několik dní a cena se pohybuje od 100€
Diagnose.me allows you to upload or send your MRI, CT or X-ray scans and receive an easily understandable report with a doctor second opinion online from, often within just 48 hours.
Proč Diagnose.me
Pokud se nám podaří pomoci jen jednomu člověku, jedné rodině v nouzi, pak považujeme naši práci za dobře vykonanou.
Výjimečná kvalita
Výjimečná kvalita
Všichni lékaři na Diagnose.me jsou pečlivě vybraní a prověření naší odbornou komisí. Jsou zkušení a specializovaní na specifickou problematiku.
Zaměřené na pacienta
Zaměřené na pacienta
Vzděláváme pacienta, aby mohl lépe rozhodovat o svém zdraví. Naše posudky jsou psány srozumitelně a vždy máte možnost přímo s vybraným lékařem komunikovat. Mnozí jsou dostupní i na video hovoru.
Anonymita a bezpečnost
Anonymita a bezpečnost
Neposkytujeme Vaše data nikomu. Nikdy. Nepotřebujeme vědět ani Vaše jméno. Když bude Váš případ ukončen a jste úplně spokojeni, údaje o Vašem případu automaticky vymažeme.