Johan Gerard Blickman, MD, PhD, Prof.

Aprobat de către Consiliul Medical de Avizare la 18.10.2013

Johan Gerard Blickman, MD, PhD, Prof.

Professor Emeritus, Imaging Sciences Rochester NY USA, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA (Statele Unite ale Americii)

Imagist pediatru Expert internațional în radiologie pediatrică, cu peste 45 de ani de experiență. A studiat la Universitatea din Boston, la Harvard Medical School și la Universitatea Erasmus din Rotterdam.

Imagist pediatru
Experiența mea
33 ani
MRI, CT • Ultrasound • X-ray • Blood lab results • Doctor report
Acest specialist acceptă cazuri pediatrice.
Ce spun clienții despre mine

"This feedback was important to us as it was related to my daughter who was initially wrongly diagnosed with osteoid osteoma. though another doctor in Hongkong did question the initial diagnosis of osteoid osteoma; we were still searching for another independent opinion from a relevant specialist in the field. proved useful in this context as it helped clear our doubts."

(5 păreri)
Raport consultativ
Timp de răspuns
4 zile lucrătoare
Consultație video
Despre mine

I have over 45 years of international high-level academic paediatric imaging experience. I was born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and in 1978, I earned my M.D. degree at Boston University, USA. Later, I completed fellowships in paediatric radiology at Harvard Medical School and Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Boston, USA. After that, in 1991, I finished my PhD at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Since then, I have been a paediatric radiologist and have written 8 books and more than 120 articles.

I am an Emeritus professor and Radiologist-in-Chief at the Golisano Children’s Hospital at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC). I have also served as the chairman of the Department of Radiology at University Medical Center (UMC) Nijmegen and associate professor of Radiology at the Harvard Medical School.

Păreri clienți
  • 29.12.2014, Pacient anonim

    The doctor answered very quickly and the answer was exactly like the initial result and another opinion of my neurologic therapist.

  • 30.09.2014, Pacient anonim

    Thank you - your report was very helpful.

  • 23.09.2014, Pacient anonim

    This feedback was important to us as it was related to my daughter who was initially wrongly diagnosed with osteoid osteoma. though another doctor in Hongkong did question the initial diagnosis of osteoid osteoma; we were still searching for another independent opinion from a relevant specialist in the field. proved useful in this context as it helped clear our doubts.

Experiență și pregătire
  • Septembrie 2009 - Septembrie 2019
    Professor Emeritus, Imaging Sciences Rochester NY USA, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA (Statele Unite ale Americii)
  • Septembrie 2009 - Septembrie 2019
    Radiologist-in-Chief, Golisano Childrens Hsopital, Rochester NY (Statele Unite ale Americii)
  • Septembrie 2000 - Septembrie 2008
    Professor & Chairman, Department of Radiology UMC Nijmegen, Nijmegen (Olanda)
  • Iulie 1996 - Iulie 2000
    Attending Pediatric Radiologist, Boston Medical Center, Boston MA (Statele Unite ale Americii)
  • Iulie 1989 - Iulie 1996
    Associate Professor of Radiology, Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA (Statele Unite ale Americii)
  • Iulie 1985 - Iulie 1989
    Pediatric Radiologist, Boston City Hospital, Boston MA (Statele Unite ale Americii)
Licențiere și apartenență
  • 254572-1, Statele Unite ale Americii
  • BIG registration, Olanda
  • 44956, Statele Unite ale Americii
Membru al:
  • (European) Society of Pediatric Radiology
  • American College of Radiology
  • Association of University Radiologists
  • European Society of Uroradiology
  • Society of Academic Chairmen of Radiology Departments (SCARD)
  • Radiological Society of North America
  • European Congress of Radiology/EAR
  • Society of Academic Chairmen of Radiology Departments (SCARD)
  • Radiological Society of the Netherlands

Johan Gerard Blickman, MD, PhD, Prof. a publicat 100+ publicații:

Raport limbi străine

English, Nederlands, plus 22 limbi străine cu traducere medicală