Aprobat de către Consiliul Medical de Avizare Diagnose.me la 14.02.2021
Consultant ENT, The Bougainvillea Clinic Private Hospital, Road Town (Insulele Virgine Britanice)
Doctor ORL • Blocaj nazal, dificultăți în respirație, sforăit, apnee în somn, probleme de auz, tinitus, probleme la nivelul sinusurilor, infecții recurente ale căilor respiratorii superioare, probleme ale glandei tiroide / paratiroide tratate chirurgical, boli ale glandelor salivare, cancer la cap și gât,…
I have over 25 years of experience and busy clinical practice in the field of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, including appointments with University Hospitals and JCI-accredited clinics. The issues I focus on include nasal blockage, difficulty breathing, snoring, sleep apnoea, hearing problems, tinnitus, sinus problems, recurrent upper respiratory infections, thyroid/parathyroid gland problems treated surgically, salivary gland diseases, head and neck cancer, benign tumours and lesions of head and neck.
Prompt and reassuring answer, thank you for the timely explanation.
The doctor described the options for treatment and follow-up of my diagnosis. He also provided me with information about the possible risks associated with the procedure, which my doctor had not yet informed me about. It will help me in my decision making.
I would like to thank you very much for your professional approach and evaluation of my diagnosis.
No one has ever given me so much information about my treatment options.
I am extremely grateful to you.
English, Čeština, Slovenčina, plus 22 limbi străine cu traducere medicală