Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на Diagnose.me на 04.01.2022.
Board Member, Austrian Society for Haematology and Medical Oncology, Vienna (Австрија)
Гинеколошки онколог • Фокусиран на консултации и третмани на пациенти со гинеколошки малигности (дојка, матка, цервикални и оваријални), гастроинтестинални канцери (привратник, стомак, мал и голем интестин, панкреас, жолчни патишта), урогенитални тумори (простата, уринарен бубрег, бубрези) и канцер на глава и врат.
I am a medical oncologist with more than 20 years of experience. I focus on the treatment of thoracic tumours and sarcoma. Management of bone sarcoma (such as Osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma), soft tissue sarcoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST), and germ cell tumours (testicular cancer) in adolescents and adults is my unique key competence.
I regularly consult and treat patients with gynecologic malignancies (breast, uterine, cervical, and ovarian), gastrointestinal cancers (oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, pancreas, biliary tract), and urogenital tumours (prostate, urinary bladder, kidney) and head and neck cancer.
I also see and treat adolescents and adults with Hodgkin's disease and with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, but not with other hematologic malignancies.
Thank you for the opinion, it helped me to make decision about the treatment.
Thank you for positive confirmation diagnosis of my doctor
I thank the doctor for the prompt and comprehensible report as well as the additional message. I also thank everyone from the Diagnose.me team for providing the translations.
English, Deutsch, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.