Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на Diagnose.me на 22.12.2017.
Head of Department, Orthopedic Surgery, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Oberhausen, Mettmann (Германија)
Ортопедски хирург • Консултант Радиолог од Обединетото Кралство фокусирајќи се исклучиво на мускулно-скелетни слики и интервентни процедури. Искуство во ОК и Грција.
I have more than 20 years of experience in Orthopaedic Surgery, Traumatology and Paediatric Traumatology and am experienced in all issues concerning joint pain, bone fractures, and arthroplasty of adults and children.
I am currently the Head of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hospital in Oberhausen, Germany. Previously I was the Head of the Department of Traumatology and the Head of the Department of Paediatric Traumatology.
I am an active researcher in the field with 30 papers, 5 books, 7 book chapters, and a number of invited lectures and journal contributions.
I am extremely satisfied with the review, with detailed description of
X-ray images, a suggestion to complete diagnostics with CT, which
no one has suggested it to me yet, it also included a description of the operation I had
recommended and also its risks.
I definitely recommend that patients should not be afraid to use the services you offer
which give them the opportunity to get to know the opinion and opinion of another specialist.
Thank you for the report, which confirmed the words of my orthopedist and helped me decide how to proceed with treatment.
Quick and clear answer exactly to the question, helped to confirm the first medical opinion and confirm us in the right decision.
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