Approved by Medical Advisory Board on 28 Jun 2017
pediatrician, medical consultant, Child Policlinic Salvea, Zagreb (Croatia)
Pediatrician • One of the leading European paediatricians with a special interest in preventative medicine and mental development. Almost 30 years of experience in paediatrics and almost 40 years of experience in medicine. Professor, researcher, and author of a popular books and a textbooks.
I am one of the leading European paediatricians with a special interest in prevention programs and paediatric mental health. In Croatia, I am a known authority on paediatric matters having published a popular book for parents and several textbooks on the subject. I have been teaching at the School of Medicine for almost 15 years in addition to teaching at the Department of Psychology, School of Law, and School of Education, all at the University of Zagreb.
Since 1997, I have been working at my private practice in Zagreb. Previously, I was the head of the pediatric department at the Medical Health Care Center “Tresnjevka” in Zagreb, providing health care for more than 150,000 inhabitants.
My education spans different areas of medicine with post gradual studies in paediatrics, oncology, and cytology. Also educated in the field of mental health care (Balint Education, Family Center - Scandinavian Kempler Institute). One of my interests is the area of preventive medicine, and in 2008, I developed the national guidelines for vaccination procedures in children.
Since 1993, I have participated in programs providing psychosocial help in the refugee camps of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with UNHCR, Save the Children Sweden, and the French humanitarian organisation Partage. Among others, I was the head of specialised programs to assist mothers and infants. In 2004, I earned a doctorate on the theme of the impact of war on the growth and development of infants. My focus is on refugee mothers and infants and the development of children without parents. Since 2006, I have been engaged by UNICEF as a leading expert in the field of early child development.
I am active in national and international medical associations and societies. I organised 6 international conferences, received multiple awards, and have been an invited speaker at multiple international events. I published eighty scientific and professional articles published in national and international professional journals in addition to four textbooks and a popular book: “First Years, Why are They so Important?” which is in its 9th edition.
English, Hrvatski, plus 22 languages with medical translation