Одобрен от Консултативния медицински съвет на Diagnose.me на 29 Jul 2013
Consultant, Member of the Medical Board, OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Неврорадиолог • Близо 10 години опит с акцент върху гръбнака (херния, долна и горна част на гържа, синдром на хирургията на гърба), деменция (Алцхаймер и други деменции), инсулт (мозъчен инсулт, каротидни изображения) и множествена склероза.
"I highly recommend Dr Georgios Karas if you are seeking a diagnosis of your MRI scans. The interpretation of my scans were very quick, thorough and precise. Conditions were picked up that were not highlighted on another interpretation. Dr Karas ensured that all of my questions and concerns regarding his interpretation were addressed to relieve my worry. Professional expertise, Patient care, Communication, all score 10 out of 10. I can’t find any area that was not perfect. On top of that Dr Georgios Karas is really passionate about his work and a really nice guy who puts you at ease throughout the whole process. Thank you so much for helping me Dr Karas, Best wishes, Paul."
(17 reviews)Аз работя с невро-рентгенологични скенери от 1999 г. и имам почти 10-годишен опит като консултант рентгенолог. Имам богат опит в гръбначния стълб (херния, долна и горна част на гърба), деменция (Алцхаймер и други деменции), удар (мозъчен инсулт, каротидни изображения) и множествена склероза.
I'm happy with the report I've received.
Clear explanation of the MRI/Case.
Prompt and very structured opinion on my brain MRI. In line with following later evaluation by slovak MD. I was happy to know MRI evalution within 48 hours.
Georgios Karas, MD, PhD has published 25+ publications:
English, Nederlands, Ελληνικά, plus 22 languages with medical translation